In job interviews, there are numerous information asymmetries. Job descriptions lack details about what the position really entails and are vague about what the company actually needs. Employers hide weaknesses in leadership, revenue growth, and employee morale. Hiring managers and
Chamonix: Reflections on a Month in Ski Boots
For mountaineers, Chamonix is the Mecca - the place where it all started, where the triumphs and struggles of alpine pursuits were discovered.
Book: Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
Unfortunately, I feel that the book suffers due to its desire for mass-market appeal: the author displays a tendency to overlook salient issues in favor of emotion-grabbing oversimplifications.
The Ultimate Onboarding Checklist for Remote Developers
A guide to the unique challenges that remote developers face when joining a new organization. Everyone knows the nervous routines of starting a new job: sweaty palms and jitters upon walking into the office, back-and-forth internal dialogues as you sort
Book: The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon
The startup founder stereotype is a curious one. The caricature ridiculed in HBO’s Silicon Valley - New Age spirituality, buzzword doublespeak, and passive-aggressive social skills - has an uncomfortable grounding in the truth. Jeff Bezos does not fall into
Book: Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE
I skipped a job interview because of this book. On paper, the position looked good - the benefits, the role, the company - but something made it feel… empty. Sitting down one evening to review my interview notes, the rumble
Book: Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging
This is a thought-provoking short read by Sebastian Junger, an author and journalist famous for books like The Perfect Storm and War, as well as the gripping war documentaries Restrepo and Korengal. Please watch Restrepo (available on Netflix) if you
A Visit to "The Walker Library of The History of Human Imagination"
I recently had the privilege of touring the magnificent private library maintained by Jay Walker, CEO of Upside Business Travel. The inspiration and theme of the 3,600 sq. ft, 50,000+ item collection is "the history of human
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